Duty Refund Opportunities from Destroyed Goods, What You Should Know?
As your Duty Drawback Broker, we would notify Customs on your behalf that you have qualifying merchandise for Destruction.

How Duty Drawback Experts Define If Clients Are Eligible for Drawback
Duty Drawback is not given much attention and is the least understood process by the exporters. Even its benefits are mostly underutilized.

Documents Required for a Consignee to Claim Duty Drawback
Consignee parties can claim the duty drawback if the goods are destroyed, rejected, imported but not used, or re-exported

The Best Procedures to Follow to Claim Duty Drawback
The parties have to follow the right Duty Drawback process to avail this claim. Here are the procedures to follow to claim your duty drawba

Calculate Your Potential Refunds on Duty Drawback Now
Here's the deal, sometimes you may have a goal in mind but you don't really know how to go about getting that accomplished. Or maybe you...

Five Tips for Finding the Customs Broker
The customs handling process related to import and export proves tedious most of the times that leads to the hiring of Brokerage Consultants

How to Ensure You Get the Best Duty Drawback Services
How to get the best duty drawback services and proceed with your duty drawback claims.

Choosing Your Drawback Broker
It is important to hire a good brokerage company and gets its specialized services in regards to duty drawback refund

Duty Drawback Refunds: The Most Essential in International Trade
The duty drawback is necessary in international trade and business. Every business house engaged in such trade does require knowing the comp

Four Strategic Pointers for Recovering Customs Duty Drawback
With necessary documentation, the companies can recover 99% of their customs duties. The amount industrialists have spent in three years...